Tarot & Numerology
Your parents give you a name, but the Universe gives you your date of birth.
This date reflects a vibration of your essence that you incorporate the moment your soul becomes matter.
But when you’re born, you don’t get the instructions on how to make this essence function, so you can spend the rest of your life trying to figure out why you’re here and what you can do easily.
The magic of numerology is that it makes you connect with your core and decypher it.
Look at it like this: The numbers are your true inner rhythm. When you dance to that beat, you’re at peace. You feel harmony. You unlock your inner flow. But when you fight against it, you feel conflicted, nothing seems to work and things just feel… off.
By analysing your birth date, I help you to understand your inner contradictions, accept them, and embrace your strengths so you can live the potential you feel.
Ultimately, you want one of two things:
1. Either you want to know if you’re on the right path, or,
2. You want to come to terms with the path you’re on
You can get there through a tarot reading.
This ancient tool has found a new life in our age. It taps directly into your subconscious and making you aware of potential future opportunities, choices and obstacles.
This isn’t a mystical fortune telling experience. I’m not cloaked in darkness, adorning beaded jewellery and telling you what the future holds (Ok, maybe I’m wearing the beads…).
I read the cards that answer a question you ask about your life.
The cards reveal what’s happening in your subconscious and make it conscious.
With this, you can then decide whether your behaviour is taking you down the right path, or if it’s time to course correct.
Don’t fear your future! You’re creating it in your subconscious right now. The moment you hold this in your hands and address it, you understand your attitude and change it to create the future you want most.